
Effectiveness, safety, customization, profitability – the diverse and complex requirements in drive and damping technology are constantly increasing and changing. How do development engineers approach them? What specific solutions do they create for different industrial and technological sectors? How are pioneering innovations successfully achieved that provide real added value? We discuss this and much more in our The Engineer's Blog.

Hydrodynamic Couplings in Bulk Material Handling Equipment Drives

Bulk material handling is an engineering field that is centered on designing and manufacturing of special equipment utilized to handle mainly dry materials such as ores, grains, sand, gravel and stone in loose bulk form. Mineral production, for instance, depends on a great quantity of bulk material handling equipment in order to move an impressive portion of the iron and copper ore productions in the world. In the following we want to explain how hydrodynamic couplings operate and how they can improve the MTTR of bulk material handling equipment drives.

Video: How To Use RINGFEDER Locking Assemblies

If you want a backlash- and wear-free way to join shaft components, take a look at our locking assemblies. These locking devices, which take the place of traditional keyed couplings, are installed between the shaft and the hub.

Safe Energy Absorption – DEFORM plus® Shock Absorbing Units

In our last blog article we compared themost commonly used damping systemsin terms of their damping properties and highlighted the importance of installing such systems to protect your machines and components. Our comparison referred to dampers made of optimized synthetic polymers. In this article, we would like to present our shock absorbing units DEFORMplus®.

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