
Effectiveness, safety, customization, profitability – the diverse and complex requirements in drive and damping technology are constantly increasing and changing. How do development engineers approach them? What specific solutions do they create for different industrial and technological sectors? How are pioneering innovations successfully achieved that provide real added value? We discuss this and much more in our The Engineer's Blog.

Market Talk 7/19 - Electric Hyper Sports Car, Mechanical Engineering Sector in Rough Seas, thyssenkrupp tags #newtk and the Aachen Engineering Award

Typically, engineers focus on the smallest of details. From time to time, however, it is worth taking a look at the big picture – or even beyond it. What are the concerns of the market? What is being talked about and above all: where does the journey lead to? Here is our overview.

Market Talk 6/19 - Brexit Scenarios, the Arena of the Future, Virtual Reality Rides, and what eSports and Mercedes Benz have in common

Typically, engineers focus on the smallest of details. From time to time, however, it is worth taking a look at the big picture – or even beyond it. What are the concerns of the market? What is being talked about and above all: where does the journey lead to? Here is our overview.

Market Talk 5/19 - EMO Exhibition in Hannover, Digitalization in Mechanical Engineering, 50th Anniversary of Moon Landing and Extraordinary Elevators

Typically, engineers focus on the smallest of details. From time to time, however, it is worth taking a look at the big picture – or even beyond it. What are the concerns of the market? What is being talked about and above all: where does the journey lead to? Here is our overview.

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